In 2007, Seventh Films produced the independent film Ligaw Liham (Letters of Nor). Little did we knew then that it was the fruition start of our story-telling.
A succession of full-length independent films followed: Namets! (Yummy) (2008) and Pureza: The Story of Negros Sugar (2011), a full length documentary on the sugar industry of Negros island and Red (2014).
In between these indies, we discovered that NGOs needed help in telling their own stories so we produced films and projects for them.
We then decided that the best way to embrace both of our passions, filmmaking and NGO work, was to set up a full-service production outfit for NGOs.
We also acknowledge that the needs and requirements of NGOs to promote their product or service are special, and at times financially constraining.
No worries here…we understand NGOs because ALL OF US are involved in NGOs. From marketing to advertising to fundraising to filmmaking, we find the best solutions for NGOs because our strength lies in efficient communication skills.
We are currently doing 2 documentary films, Norte (2014, in production), a full length documentary on surfing and A Sport of Kings (2014, in production), a full length documentary on cockfighting.